Air quality is a major concern for homeowners. The home’s air quality has a significant impact on our health and the environment. There are many things we can do to improve our indoor air quality. Some of these include replacing your vacuum, removing items that produce volatile organic compounds (VOCs), properly ventilating your home by opening windows during the day and closing them at night, cleaning up pet hair regularly, and using environmentally friendly cleaners to reduce VOCs in your home.
The Consequences of Living With Indoor Air Pollutants
Poor air quality can lead to many health problems. Those most vulnerable are our children and people with preexisting respiratory issues. Breathing polluted indoor air can cause dryness of the throat and nose and wheezing in some cases. You may also experience an itchy or runny nose. If you’ve been exposed for days or weeks on end, these symptoms may manifest themselves when they come into contact with fresh oxygen molecules and cause long-term health issues.
The next time you walk into your home, ask yourself if you’re breathing easy. If not, there are things you can do about it. Keep reading on for our “Improving Indoor Air Quality 101”!
Tip #1: Get a new air filter for your heating and cooling system.
Have you ever changed the air filter in your furnace? It’s simple and takes a few seconds. It’ll take you longer to pick out your filter than it will to replace it. Air filters are an easy way to improve the air quality in your home.
It has been estimated that the average home contains 25 pounds of dust! We all know dust is bad for health, but not many are aware of how much harm it can do. Dust mites irritate your respiratory system and cause allergies or asthma attacks in some people. Dust particles greatly increase poor indoor air quality.
You should replace your air filter every 3-4 months.
Tip #2: Make sure your windows and doors are sealed tightly.
Many homeowners are surprised when they learn how many indoor air pollutants such as exterior dirt and debris enter their home through cracks around doors or windows or other openings in their home. So, make sure when your windows and doors are shut, they are sealed tightly.
Tip #3: Install a humidifier to improve indoor air quality.
If you live in a home with hardwood floors, a humidifier is a perfect solution to improve your indoor air quality. A humidifier adds moisture into your home, eliminating viruses and bacteria that can cause health problems such as respiratory issues. In addition, it protects wood from cracking from too much dryness. Reduce indoor air pollution with this simple and inexpensive tip.
Tip #4: Use a home air purifier to rid indoor air pollution.
If you are looking for something easy to use, home air purifiers work well with improving the air quality in your home by removing air pollution from the indoor environment. These small appliances are perfect for people who suffer from allergies or asthma because they improve air quality by removing allergens and particles in your home, which can worsen symptoms.
Tip #5: Replace your old vacuum cleaner with a newer, more efficient one.
Investing in a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter can improve indoor air quality problems. It traps dust and allergens inside the vacuum, preventing them from being released into your home as you clean it. Having a high-quality vacuum can keep your home cleaner and create clean air, which is important for you and your family’s health.
Tip #6: Open the windows to let in the fresh air and circulate the air inside.
Every heard of stale indoor air? Keeping your windows shut consistently can cause the air in your home to be stale and poor. Introduce fresh air by opening your windows during the day and closing them at night to circulate the air inside your home. There’s nothing better than letting fresh air in. Make sure to check the outdoor air quality in your area beforehand!
Tip #7: Try out an indoor plant that will cleanse toxins from the air.
Certain plants can naturally filter the air quality inside your home. It’s pretty amazing! Look for certain ivy plants, dracaenas, or palms. These plants can absorb toxins and provide a natural air cleaner. Plus, they can give your home a natural, modern look. You can’t have too many plants!
Tip #8: If you have pets, don’t allow them on furniture or rugs without being washed first.
Pets shed a lot of hair. It seems like they are shedding even more when it’s cold outside or during springtime. Pet dander and hair are not only unsightly, but they can create airborne particles that you are constantly breathing in! Make sure to wash and brush your pets and sweep or vacuum their hair often.
Tip #9: Use natural cleaning products instead of harsh chemicals to reduce odors and harmful pollutants.
Chemicals found in home cleaning products can be harmful to the air you breathe in. In addition, they can irritate your skin and eyes, causing health problems for you or those around you. Mixing vinegar with baking soda makes a great non-toxic cleaner that is safe for the environment and effective at eliminating odors from home.
Tip #10: Get your ducts and vents cleaned.
When you replace your air filter, remember to get your ducts and vents cleaned, too! Dirty air ducts can cause problems like respiratory issues for you and your family by spraying that dirt and particles into the air you breathe in your home. Have a professional clean your air vents and ducts to reduce dirty air. This includes your HVAC system. Don’t forget about your dryer vent, which can hold a ton of dust and lint.
Bonus tip: Get a professional involved!
If your home’s air quality isn’t good or if you can see visible mold or mildew, have a professional get involved. They have the equipment to test your home’s air quality properly without destroying your walls. In addition, they use products that neutralize odors instead of masking them with air fresheners.
They can also suggest ideas for improving the quality of air in your home by cleaning ducts, vents, updating the insulation in your home, and installing new air filters for you all in a visit. You don’t have to live in a home with bad air quality. Your family will thank you! Get your free assessment today with the experts at Energy Monster.