Everyone is talking about the Mass Save home energy assessment, designed to save homeowners energy and money—but did you know that Mass Save’s services are only for homes in non-municipal towns? So what are you supposed to do if you live in one of Massachusetts’ many municipalities?
As an energy-conscious resident, how can you still save on energy costs and get rebates and incentives for making energy efficient upgrades?
The Hard Way: Do it Yourself
If you’re determined to save energy in your home, you may be willing to learn how to perform your own audit, but don’t commit to the DIY route so fast!
First, think about it: how would you go about doing the assessment yourself? Unless you’re already a professional energy auditor, you’re going to have to learn how it’s done. There are plenty of tutorials out there for you to read or watch—you could feasibly complete your own audit—but it’s not an easy process and it relies on making judgment calls. What if you’re not sure whether you should upgrade your equipment? Or what if you miss something due to inexperience?
And did you know: professional home energy assessments qualify homeowners for rebates and incentives to help cover the cost of upgrades. You can’t get those if you do your audit yourself.
The DIY method is possible, but it will take time and effort—lots of it! Luckily, there’s a better way.
The Easy Way: A Municipal Energy Program
We have good news for all of our energy-conscious neighbors living in Massachusetts municipalities. You can benefit from the Home Energy Market Value Performance (Home MVP) Program offered by the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (MassDOER).
Home MVP, like Mass Save, is designed to help residents understand and reduce their energy usage, making our state more efficient (and saving you money on your utility costs).
With this municipal energy program, a qualified contractor will visit your home to perform a thorough assessment of your energy needs. They’ll help you find areas that are wasting energy or are in need of being upgraded.
Once you have a complete list of your needs, your contractor will help you determine the next step. Have faulty insulation? Are your heating and cooling systems up-to-date? Your contractor will help you understand the available upgrades, such as insulation updates or the installation of a ductless mini-split—and yes, your assessment qualifies you for rebates and incentives to cover these costs, even those offered by Mass Save. Not only will you save energy and money, you’ll save time by working with experienced professionals. The best part? Your assessment is offered at no cost.
Where Do You Begin?
A no-cost audit through a municipal energy program is a great way to make an impact on your energy usage—so how do you schedule yours?
The first step is to research potential contractors. There are only a handful of contractors in Massachusetts who are certified to perform Home MVP audits. You want to make sure you’re selecting the right one for your needs, so take your time on this step! Some things to look for include:
- Service area. Make sure any contractor you’re considering actually services your municipality. You don’t want to waste your time reaching out to companies that won’t be able to make it to your home.
- Services they offer. While all MVP contractors offer a home energy assessment, consider what else they can do. Read through the main services they offer to find out if they’re the right fit. If you decide to have work done on your home after your inspection, you don’t want to have to search for a new contractor.
- Reviews. Pay attention to reviews. Take a look at sites such as Google, Angie’s List, Yelp, HomeAdvisor, and more—even Facebook. What are customers saying about the quality of work provided? Are past customers recommending them online on a regular basis? If you know anyone who has received their services in the past, reach out and ask them about their experience. You want to know that you can trust a contractor to do high-quality work in your home, so this step is crucial!
Start Saving: Schedule Your Assessment
The Mass Save program has already had a big impact on energy usage throughout Massachusetts; now it’s time for residents in municipalities to reap the same rewards. With the Home MVP municipal energy program, you can gain a deeper understanding of your home’s energy usage and take the appropriate steps to reduce it.
Energy Monster is one of the few certified contractors in Massachusetts that is qualified to perform a Home MVP energy assessment. We have the experience and knowledge necessary to inspect your home, give you appropriate recommendations, and to make energy-efficient upgrades in your home.
Make an impact on your home’s energy usage. Schedule your no-cost home energy audit through the Home MVP program today