12087 62nd St N Suite 2, Largo, FL 33773

Is Insulation Foam Toxic?

spray foam insulation safety

Spray foam insulation is becoming an increasingly popular choice for home insulation projects. Spray foam is made from a mixture of chemicals and water that expand when it comes in contact with air, creating a rigid insulating barrier between the inside and outside walls of your home. So it’s no wonder homeowners are curious if […]

Insulation Falling Down in Crawl Space

crawl space insulation

Insulation is an important part of every home—it helps keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer. You should have some type of insulation in the crawl space floor and walls, and it’s essential to insulate your crawl space correctly.   Over time, insulation can fall into the crawl space, leaving […]

Can Insulation Catch Fire?

Insulation is essential and necessary for homes. The benefits include energy efficiency, cost savings, and protection from extreme weather conditions. But can these insulating materials catch fire? It’s important to weigh the pros and cons of each type of insulation material and choose the safest and best type for your home. Can Insulation Catch Fire […]

Can Insulation Make You Sick?

can insulation make you sick

There is a lot of debate over whether or not insulation can make you sick. Some say it is toxic and can cause all sorts of health problems, while others claim it is perfectly safe. One thing that is for sure, though, is that wet insulation can be dangerous. If it gets into your lungs, […]

Can Insulation Get Wet?

worker removing wet insulation

What happens when insulation gets wet? Can it ruin the insulation? Will the insulation hold up if it gets wet? Can you dry out the insulation if it does get wet? These are all valid questions that many homeowners have about insulation. We will answer all those questions, including what type of insulation can withstand […]

Is Insulation a Biological Hazard?

is insulation a biological hazard

We are in an era of focusing on clean, green energy efficiency and ways we can help improve our world. Insulation is a necessary material to help keep your home comfortable, energy-efficient, and safe all year round. But is insulation a biological hazard? Homeowners may be concerned about its health risk, especially since it provides […]

Insulation Grades : Everything You Need To Know

picture of insulation grade

Insulating your home helps lower energy bills, save money, and make you comfortable all year round. But, did you know insulation is graded, and different insulation levels depend on the type you use? These are essential things to keep in mind when installing new or replacing older insulation in your home. Keep reading to find […]

How Much Does Insulation Save On Energy Bills?

does insulation save on energy bills

It’s no secret that insulation saves money on energy bills. The right kind and amount of insulation, like spray foam insulation, can significantly reduce your total energy costs. Different types of insulation offer different R-values, which is how insulation is measured. The higher the R-value, the more effective the insulation will be in preventing air […]

How to Save Energy with AC

save energy with ac

Summer is in full swing, and that means one thing: air conditioning! An air conditioning system is a great way to cool down during the summer but can also use a lot of energy. How can you save energy with AC? We will give you tips on using your air conditioner while still conserving energy. […]

Unplugging Appliances to Save Energy Myth – The Truth

should you unplug appliances

Myth: Unplugging appliances can save energy. People believe that unplugging their TV, computer, and other electronics when they’re not in use will help them save on their energy costs. But does unplugging appliances save electricity?  Truth: There are some benefits to pulling the plug, but it’s not as simple as just unplugging everything! Keep reading […]