The benefits of home insulation range anywhere from reducing energy consumption to keeping your home warm and cozy in the cold Massachusetts winter. Properly insulating your home is one of the best ways to improve its longevity and reduce your energy bills. While many homeowners only think of insulation in the colder months, it actually does much more than keep you warm. Here are eight reasons why you should consider adding insulation to your Massachusetts home.
Insulating Your Home Makes It More Comfortable
Insulating your home will keep you comfortable year-round. A well-insulated house makes it more energy-efficient. It reduces the risk of air leakage from windows, doors, or cracks and around electrical outlets. This is especially true if you have wall insulation installed. (There are many types of insulation you can choose from though). Proper home insulation keeps hot and cool air consistent throughout your home, so you don’t have some hot and some cold rooms during the winter months.
Save On Heating and Cooling Costs & Reduces Energy Bills
Insulation is one of the best ways to save money on your heating and cooling bills and increase your home’s energy efficiency. The more insulation you have, the less heat escapes through poorly insulated areas in your home. This results in less energy consumption. Windows that are exposed to harsh weather conditions like heavy winds can be extremely vulnerable. Properly insulated windows mean lower energy costs for heating and cooling as a whole, which reduces each month’s bill significantly.
In fact, if you live in an area where it gets very cold (below freezing), adding insulation helps reduce overhead heating by up to 30%. That adds up quickly over time!
Insulating with spray foam offers even greater benefits than conventional insulations because of its R-value per inch thickness ratio. In other words, spray foam provides superior thermal performance compared to standard loose-fill cellulose insulation.
Leave the Noise Outside and Keep It Quiet Inside
Noise pollution is a common problem many homeowners face, and it’s not something you can completely prevent. But, adding insulation to areas like the attic or exterior walls will reduce the sounds from outside by up to 50%.
Reducing noise pollution helps increase property value, making your home investment more valuable. If you’re thinking about selling soon, consider that buyers are willing to pay more for homes with proper home insulation than those that aren’t properly insulated. Not only does new insulation help improve marketability, but it also increases resale value too.
Reduce The Likelihood of Water and Mold Issues
Condensation on window frames can lead to the buildup of mold spores. This is especially true during winter months when windows are consistently exposed to cold air temperatures outside and warm air from indoors. Central heating creates warm air, which mixes with cool, moist air in poorly insulated spaces like attics, a crawl space, or exterior walls, creating perfect conditions for mold growth.
Insulation prevents this process from occurring because it keeps each room at a constant temperature throughout the year without any fluctuations between winter and summer seasons, even when temperatures fluctuate considerably.
Not only does insulation help improve the structural integrity of your house, but it also helps prevent costly water damage that can lead to more expensive repairs down the road. By preventing these two problems (mold & moisture), you’ll save money in the long run.
Government Tax Credits
If you’re thinking about installing insulation in your home, here’s some good news. Did you know that government incentive programs are available for those who take measures to increase energy efficiency in their homes? You can receive a tax credit for installing energy-efficient insulation in your home. This tax credit equals ten percent of the total cost and can be subtracted from your current year’s taxes as a deduction. Reduce your taxable income and increase the green in your wallet.
Less Carbon Dioxide Emissions Equals Less Carbon Footprint
Certain types of insulation made out of fibers or silica gels are better for both your wallet and mother nature because they don’t contain any harmful chemicals or added ingredients as other traditional insulations do.
By choosing insulation that doesn’t contain harmful chemicals, it helps prevent algae growth within reservoirs. It also reduces greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere, which benefits both you and mother nature.
Protects Your Home Against Mother Nature
While insulation is excellent for keeping your home at a comfortable temperature all year, it’s also essential to consider its role in protecting against other environmental hazards. Homes built before the 1980s have little to no insulation, which makes them more vulnerable to climate changes over time.
Wind damage can cause large amounts of destruction on homes during the spring and fall, especially when windows are left open. This makes your home particularly vulnerable to strong winds. Even if you keep windows shut, wind gusts around 30 mph can compromise the structural integrity, which could cause the glass to shatter and the window to burst open. Insulation around these sections of your home will increase its integrity.
The same goes for hail storms, which are particularly dangerous because they can destroy your roof if it isn’t adequately protected by insulation. Besides creating damage, it also compromises a home’s durability because of how heavy the hail pellets are. They can cause cracks around windows or skylights and compromise gutters.
Protects Against Fire and Insects
Insulation has several benefits beyond keeping your house at a comfortable temperature, but some can help protect your home against fires and act as an insect repellent.
Insects like wood-eating ants and termites can cause significant damage if left untreated for an extended period. Proper insulation protects against this by preventing them from getting inside in the first place. Paying for good insulation upfront could mean huge savings when compared to the cost of repairing termite or other insect damage.
Some insulation materials are built for withstanding fires. It is imperative to consider this when using older insulation that may be more flammable. Wall insulation and attic insulation protect the entire home from potential damage. In addition, they would help prevent a fire from spreading into other rooms by containing it within one location.
Take Advantage of the Many Benefits of Insulation Today!
Invest in insulating your house properly, and your family can reap a wide range of benefits. Professional installation can be beneficial and worth the time and money because you’ll know the installer did the job correctly. We hope that our list has given you some ideas on how to make your home more comfortable. Energy-efficient homes also save you money!
Energy Monster, Massachusetts is here for you!
If you’re looking for help with an insulation project or want to learn about other ways insulation can benefit your property, we would love to chat. Visit our Massachusetts website. Give us a call today at (855) 627-7674 and speak with one of our experts, who will be happy to answer any questions you may have. We provide a no-cost home energy audit, too!